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After a year of part-time Kindergarten, your child goes on to full-time Pre-primary. This is the first compulsory year of schooling in Western Australia.
The Pre-primary classroom looks similar to the Kindergarten classroom with lots of children’s creations on display, as well as bright posters and charts around the room.
Your involvement in the school helps your child settle quickly and helps you understand how you can best support them.
Starting Pre-primary at Rivergums Primary School
The Pre-primary year is one of excitement for children and parents.
It is a time when a child learns about the need to share and co-operate with others.
The foundations laid during the year are very important and can set the pattern for many years to come.
At Rivergums Primary School, pre-primary students are taught the Western Australian Curriculum. These subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Physical Education and Health.A key to the year being successful is the communication between parents and teachers.
Please keep teachers informed about any changes that may have bearing on your child’s educational progress.
We will provide regular information to you about the things that are happening at school.
Education is a partnership.
By working together, parents and teachers can ensure that every child gets off to a good start at Rivergums pre-primary.
Please endeavour to have your child here for 8.25am to prepare for when formal teaching commences.
What your child needs to bring to Pre-primary
- Drink bottle – water only please.
- One piece of fruit with your child each day for crunch and sip a school bag that is large enough for belongings and easy to open (While the Rivergums school bag is not compulsory we do encourage parents to purchase one).
- A suitable change of clothes in their bag in case of little accidents, illness or mishaps with water play or wet weather.
- Hat Lunch and a recess snack
- Please ensure all personal items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Turning five and six is an important part of your pre-primary child’s life.
You are welcome to bring cupcakes or patty cakes for the group to share as part of your child’s celebration. Please ensure all birthday cakes contain no traces of nuts.
Collection of Children
Students in pre-primary will not be released at the end of the school day until their parent/guardian is at the classroom.
At the end of the school day students released to the care of parents or another nominated adult. If your situation necessitates an alternative please discuss with the classroom teacher or principal.
The Duty of Care owed by a teacher to a student necessitates the teacher being satisfied that no foreseeable harm will come to the student when discharging him/her at the end of the school day.
Factors to be taken into consideration are:the age and ability of the person collecting the student; the route to be taken home (e.g. does the student have to cross busy roads, walk past lakes, through bush land); and the parent/guardian’s instructions and the basis upon which these instructions were given. Instructions as to the discharge of a kindergarten /pre-primary student should be in writing.
Students from Years 1 to 6 will be released from classes at the end of each day. Please ensure your child has clear instructions about who is picking them up, where to meet you or how to get home.
The school nurse advises parents to have their child fully immunised before the commencement of pre-primary.
Children need to have their 2nd MMR and their 4 year old DTP and Polio.
These can be given by your family doctor or by your local immunisation clinic.
Please notify the school office of the dates once your child has been immunised.
If a child or parent is a visa holder, you will also need to provide the visa grant notice and Passport.
Please ensure all original supporting documentation is provided with your enrolment application.