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Curriculum Content:
Year 3 German: Second Language has introduced and developed the knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the German language to build oral communication skills. Learning has been constructed through EDI processes of learning as well as activity based independent application tasks that enable students to express their capabilities, interests and contexts of their social worlds.
Communication in German has been introduced and developed through interactions and socialising practices with their teacher and peers to exchange information about their families and, hobbies and interests. They have participated in experiences that involve following specific instructions, asking questions and making simple statements. Students have located and translated information through guided modelling from texts about concept ideas. They have participated in and responded to short imaginative texts that depict variations in cultural background and belief systems and celebrations using simple visual presentations and supports including St. Martins Day.
Students have developed their understanding of familiarities in systems of language by experimenting with intonation patterns and the pronunciation of vowel sounds that include Eszett and Umlaut. They have also noticed variations in gender cases in definite and indefinite articles, punctuation rules of capital letters in nouns, pronouns, using possessive nouns and action verbs to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions. They have also developed understandings of comparing pluralisation of some nouns that include food groups.
Students have also developed simple descriptions about their German learning experiences and sense of identity as they have explored ways that language is used differently when they interact with different people depending on contexts of politeness.
Year 4 German: Second Language has progressed on Year 3 knowledge and understandings required to communicate in the German language in written and oral communication skills. Learning has been constructed through EDI processes of learning as well as activity based independent application tasks that enable students to express their capabilities, interests and contexts of their social worlds.
Communication in German has been developed further through interactions and socialising practices with their teacher and peers to exchange information about their families, homes, interests and routines. They have contributed collaboratively in class experiences that involve asking questions for clarification, solving problems and sharing opinions. and making simple statements. Students have located and translated information in written, spoken and multimodal texts to gather and convey factual information and short descriptions about concept ideas and personal and social worlds. They have participated in and responded to short imaginative texts that depict variations in cultural background and belief systems and celebrations using simple visual presentations and supports including St. Martins Day to create representation and discuss messages using familiar expressions.
Students have developed their understanding of familiarities in systems of language by writing variations of high- frequency words involving subject verb inversion such as “Magst du Sport?, ordinal numbers and prepositional phrases. They have encoded and decoded intonation patterns and the pronunciation of vowel sounds that include Eszett and Umlaut. They have also noticed variations in gender cases in definite and indefinite articles, punctuation rules of capital letters in nouns, pronouns, using possessive nouns and action verbs to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions. They have also developed understandings of past tense forms and vowel changes associated with this.
Students have also developed simple descriptions about their German learning experiences and making connections between culture and language by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect different values and traditions.
Year 5 German: Second Language has progressed on Year 4 knowledge and understandings required to communicate in the German language. Focuses have been directed on extending written and oral communication skills and understanding of culture. Learning has been constructed through EDI processes of learning as well as activity based independent application tasks that enable students to express their capabilities, interests and contexts of their social worlds.
Communication in German has been developed further through initiations of interactions and socialising practices with their teacher and peers to exchange information about events in time and using a 24-hour clock, their families, home settings, interests and local community. For example: Wie HeiBen Sie; Wo wohnst du? They have participated in guided tasks and activities in class experiences that involve gathering, identifying and conveying information from a range of written, spoken and multimodal texts. The have created responses using these platforms to make connections to their own experiences and feelings. Students have engaged in asking questions and sharing opinions by making simple statements. They have participated in and responded to short imaginative texts that depict variations in cultural background and belief systems and celebrations using simple visual presentations and supports including St. Martins Day to create representation and discuss messages using familiar expressions.
Students have developed their understanding of familiarities in systems of language by applying basic rules of pronunciation and recognising different annotations for statements, questions and instructions including, writing variations of high- frequency words involving subject verb inversion such as “Magst du Sport? ordinal numbers and prepositional phrases. They have encoded and decoded intonation patterns and the pronunciation of vowel sounds that include Eszett and Umlaut. They have also noticed variations in gender cases in definite and indefinite articles, punctuation rules of capital letters in nouns, pronouns, using possessive nouns and action verbs to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions. They have also developed understandings of past tense forms and vowel changes associated with this.
Students have further developed their repertoires in communication in both German and their first language of English through classroom interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentations to reflect on and, making connections between culture and language by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect different values and traditions.
Year 6 German: Second Language has progressed on Year 5 skills, knowledge and understandings required to communicate in the German language. Focuses have been directed on extending written and oral communication skills and understanding of culture. Students have gained greater independence and awareness of social contexts and the world around them including comparting similarities and differences between German language and culture to their own. Learning has been constructed through EDI processes of learning as well as activity based independent application tasks that enable students to express their capabilities, interests and contexts of their social worlds.
Communication in German has been developed further through initiations of interactions and socialising practices with their teacher and peers to exchange information about events in time and using a 24-hour clock, their families, interests and local and wider communities.
For example: They have participated in guided tasks and activities in class experiences that involve collaborating with their peers to gather, compare and respond to information from a range of written, spoken and multimodal texts. The students have created responses using these platforms to make connections to their own experiences and opinions including oral and power point presentations to an audience. Students have engaged in asking questions and sharing opinions by making simple statements. They have participated in and responded to short imaginative texts that depict variations in cultural background and belief systems and celebrations using simple visual presentations and supports including St. Martins Day to create representation and discuss messages using familiar expressions.
Students have developed familiarities in systems of German language by explaining and applying basic rules of pronunciation, phonic and grammatical knowledge to spell and write some unfamiliar words. They apply different annotations for statements, questions and instructions including, writing variations of high- frequency words involving subject verb inversion such as “Magst du Sport? ordinal numbers and prepositional phrases. They have encoded and decoded intonation patterns and the pronunciation of vowel sounds that include Eszett and Umlaut. They have also noticed variations in gender cases in definite and indefinite articles, punctuation rules of capital letters in nouns, pronouns, using possessive nouns, plural vowel changes and action verbs to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions. They have also developed understandings of past and future tense forms: For example, gehsagt, and vowel changes associated with this.
Students have recognised changes in language structures due to contacts with other languages and new technologies and understand how this may shape natures of identity.
Year 6 students have broadened their social networks and experiences to include applications that involve written language structured tasks.
They have further developed repertoires in communication in both German and their first language of English through classroom interactions and language experimentations to reflect on and, making connections between culture and language by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect different values and traditions.
Special Events:
- Students learn about cultural aspects of Germany such as celebrating Saint Martin’s Day, Karneval and May Day (Maibaum)
- Every year students compete in the Elfchen Poem Competition, schools from all over Perth enter. We had some fantastic entries this year, winning entries were displayed on the TAGSWA website