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Positive Behaviour Support at Rivergums Primary School
Tier 1 Purpose Statement
At Rivergums Primary School, we are committed to maintaining a positive school culture through the implementation of a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) framework. We aim to create a consistent approach to improve behaviour, teach social skills and increase engagement with learning.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a whole school framework aimed at creating positive learning environments and improving the academic and behavioural outcomes of all students. This ensures all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioural practices and interventions possible. This is achieved by adopting proactive strategies and explicitly teaching clearly defined behavioural expectations
There is a dedicated PBS Team within the school which consists of the Principal, Associate Principals, Teachers and Education Assistants. Their responsibility is to drive and support PBS initiatives within the school. The entire staff and community at Rivergums Primary School are committed to, and involved in, implementing PBS.
The PBS Driving Team worked with the staff, students and community to develop our school values and a PBS Matrix that clearly identifies behaviour expectations throughout different areas of the school. Teachers use every opportunity to reinforce the expectations and explicitly teach one expectation a week across the school year. These behaviours are reinforced through staff communications, assemblies, faction tokens, student and school rewards and visuals displayed across the school.
Outcomes of PBS at Rivergums Primary School
Students know what is expected of them and choose to do so because they:
- Know what to do
- Have the skills to do it
- See the natural benefits for acting responsibly
Adults and students have more time to:
- Focus on relationships
- Focus on classroom instruction
There is an instructional approach to discipline:
- Instances of problem behaviour are opportunities to learn and practise pro-social behaviour
What we do at Rivergums
At Rivergums Primary School we empower all children to discover their own strengths, to believe in themselves, to set and achieve high standards, thus inspiring them to reach their full potential. We promote academic excellence, life-long learning and the development of the whole child in a safe and caring environment. We aspire to develop active participants who can flourish in local and global communities and become ambassadors of the core values of the school. ‘Discover, Believe, Achieve…Communities’.
Discover: this is to represent discovering your own strengths and weaknesses, it’s about learning, working together and values.
Believe: is to use these strengths, work on the weaknesses, believe in yourself, believe that you can do it, it’s about resilience and self-confidence.
Achieve: this is about striving to do your best, always aiming high, setting high standards. It’s also not just about the end product but also celebrating the journey.
Communities: this is plural as it relates to the home community, school community, the broader community and the global community. This is about giving back to the community and making it a better place for everyone. We all have a part to play. Its about putting the three areas together (Discover, Believe, Achieve) and applying this to our communities.
A Positive School Ethos
We aim to create a safe and orderly environment. We achieve this by:
- Engaging our students in the curriculum
- Ensuring our students feel cared for and feel a sense of belonging
- Getting to know our students well and building on their strengths
Teachers at Rivergums understand:
- Behaviour is learned
- Behaviour is influenced by the context
- Misbehaviour serves a purpose
Teaching Positive Behaviour
Teachers at Rivergums will:
- Model and teach good behaviour through explicit teaching
- Handle classroom and playground conflicts in a calm, firm and fair manner
The Behaviour Matrix (below)
At Rivergums Primary School, The PBS Team worked with the staff and students to create the behaviour matrix of expected behaviours. This identifies how students are expected to behave in different settings across the school.