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At Rivergums Primary School we aim for high standards in all that we do. This includes high standards of presentation.
Our school uniform policy and dress code reflects this. By enrolling your child at Rivergums Primary School, you are supporting our high standards and agreeing to our school uniform policy and dress code, thus committing to your child wearing the correct school uniform as stated in the policy.
Download “Rivergums Uniform Pricelist 2024” 2024-Rivergums-Primary-School.pdf – Downloaded 409 times – 196.72 KB
School Dress Code
Rivergums Primary School has established a dress code for all students attending the school that took effect from 2016.
Students are expected to wear school uniform and acceptance of the dress code is assumed upon enrolment at Rivergums Primary School.
- Rivergums Primary School Polo Shirt
- Rivergums Primary School Zina Skirt for Girls (with inbuilt shorts)
- (Dark grey stockings/tights may be worn with the skirt during cold weather)
- Rivergums Primary School Cargo Shorts for Boys
- Rivergums Primary School Fleece Trackpant for Years K to 3
- Rivergums Primary School Micro-fibre Pants for Years 4 to 6
- Rivergums Primary School Zip Jacket
- Rivergums Primary School Reversible Bucket Hat
- Rivergums Primary School Faction Shirts
Sports shorts and faction T-shirts have been included in the uniform for organised sports on Fridays. For short physical education classes during the week the normal school uniform applies.
Appropriate footwear includes joggers, shoes and socks. Inappropriate footwear includes high heels or platform shoes, thongs or slip-ons. Sandals are not considered appropriate during winter and autumn.
Small sleepers/stud earrings and a wrist-watch are acceptable.
To minimise competitive dressing and for health and safety reasons the wearing of other jewellery is not acceptable.
Makeup and Hairstyles
When students are in uniform, make-up (mascara, nail polish etc) is not to be worn. While the school recognises that students may like to express their individuality through wearing a range of hair styles, radical hairstyles are discouraged and the colouring of hair (with the exception of temporary colouring for school sports days) is not acceptable or compatible with the school dress code.
The Rivergums Primary School community believes a school dress code:
- fosters and enhances the public image of the school;
- assists in building school and team spirit;
- allows quick identification of our students and promotes a safer school environment;
- ensures students are safely dressed for specific school activities;
- promotes equity amongst students;
- instils pride in personal presentation;
- and fosters an understanding amongst students that being suitably groomed is an expectation of any future workplace.
Adherence to the Dress Code Students not following the dress code will:
- be counselled by a designated staff member on the benefits of a dress code;
- have their parent or carer contacted to ensure that the family is aware of the dress code and to discuss why the student is not in school uniform;
- receive assistance/support in obtaining suitable clothing, if necessary;
- and may be given a pass for an agreed length of time for dress modification;
- may be denied the opportunity to represent their school at official school activities, which include choir, sporting activities and non-compulsory excursions.
Students who, for religious or health reasons, may wish to apply for an exemption or modification to the school dress code are required to make an appointment with the Principal.
Staff will be informed of any student granted an exemption or modification to the dress code.
Dress Code Requirements
Parents are asked to ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with their child’s name.
Students are required to wear the following badged (with school logo) uniform items available for purchase from Nell Gray in the covered assembly area.
Availability of Dress Code Items
All items of school uniform have the school logo and can only be purchased through the school uniform shop. Non – conforming items regardless of their colour match are not acceptable. Students whose families experience financial difficulties regarding the purchase of a uniform should contact the School Registrar to discuss their options.
School Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is run by a third party supplier, Nell Gray and is located at their Uniform Concepts Superstore in Port Kennedy. The superstore is open 6 days per week and appointment times can be made to purchase uniform.
The Uniform Shop now is located at:
4/1 Sunlight Drive, Port Kennedy WA 6172
- Mon – Fri 9am – 5am
- Saturdays 9am – 1pm
Tel: 08 9270 4670
[email protected]