Parents play a vital role in a child’s school experiences, and as such your attitude greatly affects your child’s perception of schooling.
The following suggestions may be useful:
- Take an interest in school activities.
- Become familiar with how your child’s class operates.
- Keep in touch and co-operate on matters concerning child health and well-being.
- Assist in rostered duties and in any other way you can. Help with and take part in any social and extra fundraising activities.
Roster Parents are welcome to put their names on the roster at pre-primary.
Parent rosters enable parents to learn about the class program, be involved in learning activities and have time to see how their child is developing and interacting with other children.
We encourage all parents to be involved and also welcome visits from grandparents and other relatives and friends.
A Confidential Declaration form will need to be filled out before starting on roster.
This can be done in the front office. Unfortunately due to Duty of Care guidelines, we would prefer that babies and toddlers not attend with their parents on roster to allow your maximum involvement.
Parents are asked to please discourage children from bringing toys to pre-primary as these can be “lost” or broken.