Humanities and Social Sciences at Rivergums Primary School:
Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) is a subject area that is taught explicitly and through cross-curricula learning across all year levels Kindy to Year 6.
HaSS is the learning and understanding of human behaviour in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political settings. In the Western Australian Curriculum, HaSS covers four areas including Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, History and Geography. Alongside these topic areas students will learn and develop key skills where they will question, think critically, research and understand, make decisions, and become active and informed citizens in their world.
At Rivergums Primary teachers are constantly providing rich learning experiences in their classrooms, year levels and whole school activities including incursions, excursions and celebrations or commemorations within our society. During their time at Rivergums, students have the opportunity to visit a range of venues including The Fremantle Prison and Perth Zoo, and experience incursions from a range of visitors to Rivergums, including the Yirra Yaakin Theatre Group, Animal Incursions, Emergency Services and other volunteer organisations within our community. Each year our whole school proudly participates in ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day services, as well as celebrating our diverse cultures through Harmony Week and NAIDOC Week.
Learning, understanding and sharing our Nyungar Aboriginal culture within our community is a very important part of our school in ensuring a key part of our Australian history is respected, remembered and celebrated. At Rivergums Primary we have made a strong commitment to our Aboriginal community to provide opportunities to continually build on our celebration of the local Nyungar culture. We have established areas within our school representing our Nyungar culture through partnership with elders, families and local businesses.