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The Technologies Curriculum is delivered through two distinct but related subjects:
- Digital Technologies
- Design and Technologies
Students will develop skills to manage projects, apply computational, design and systems thinking to create a variety of solutions that can be used now and in the future.
Digital Technologies
In Digital Technologies, students develop an understanding of the characteristics of data, digital systems, audiences, procedures and computational thinking. They apply this when they investigate, communicate and create digital solutions.
At Rivergums Primary School, teachers utilise a wide range of digital and physical resources to support this learning area. These include Code.org, Beebots, mTiny, Ozobots, Dash Robot, Micro:Bit, We-Do Lego, Spike Prime Lego and Mindstorm Lego.
Design and Technologies
In Design and Technologies students learn about technologies and societies through different technologies contexts. In each year students will be given opportunities to create designed solutions in at least one of the technologies contexts below:
- Engineering principles and systems
- Food and fibre production
- Food specialisations
- Materials and technologies specialisations
At Rivergums Primary School, teachers have access to a wide range of resources to support this learning area. These include a wide range of building/construction equipment like cardboard, popsticks, paper straws, string etc, Lego, Micro:Bit, wooden blocks, mobilo and many more.
The Rivergums Robotics Club
The Rivergums Robotics Club is an academic extension group regularly meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to prepare for RoboCup, a project-orientated robotics competition and educational initiative. Students work together over the course of the year to design, build and program robots to compete in either the Rescue Challenge or Soccer League. The Robotics Club Members attend many out of school events including workshops, metro and interschool competitions.
State Robocup Achievements:
- 2019 – Rescue Primary – 3rd Place
- 2020 – Soccer Standard – 1st Place
- 2021 – Rescue Primary – 4th Place
- 2021 – Soccer Standard – 4th Place and & RoboCup Spirit Award
Robot Name: Tatertot – Group Members: Lucinda, Ava and Sienna
Robot name: Bin Chickens 2.0 – Group Members: Corey, Robin, Leighton and Rusty
Robot name: Cosmic – Group Members: Jasmeen, Mya, Harlie
Robot name: Sleepy Bois Inc. – Group Members: Lateesha, Betsy, Ashlea and Tidus
Information and Technology
Our vision is to ensure that we prepare students with skills, as well as creative, collaborative and high-order critical thinking and problem solving processes. We strive to holistically develop students to become effective and creative consumers and creators of information and communication technologies.
Teachers enhance and redefine learning across the curriculum, alongside a balance of instructional strategies, and use the SAMR model to reflect on their practice. Learning environments support and accelerate academic levels and needs, as well as engage students in creative, collaborative and high-order critical thinking and problem solving processes.
Our school is an environment where all students and staff have ready access to a full range of current Apple technology, software tools, and applications.