Under Section 25 of the School Education Act 1999, parents are required to notify the Principal of the reason for their child’s absence as soon as possible or within three days of the first day of absence. The Principal may also request a certificate from a medical practitioner to support the reason for absence.

At Rivergums Primary School, parents are requested to advise their class teacher or front office in writing of the reason for their child’s absence on the child’s return to school or within three days of the child’s first day of absence to meet with the requirements of the Education Act.


MGM Outreach+™ is an automated, personalized SMS text system where texts are sent directly to parents’ mobile phones if their child does not arrive at school. (This system is used to monitor students who are also late to school). MGM Outreach+™ can also deliver messages via email. This is part of our duty of care of the students.

MGM Outreach+™ interfaces directly with the school attendance software and sends messages automatically, reaching parents quickly and effectively and saving the school time. MGM Outreach+™ may also be used to advise parents of upcoming events or school communication.

Parents can respond directly via text from their mobile phone or send advance absence notification via text to the school office computer.

Please SMS your attendance to 0438 906 496

Absentees 1