The School Board is made up of elected parent representatives, staff members and the Principal.  Other parent or community members may be co-opted to the School Board in an advisory role.

The board meets on a regular basis, and its key role is to set priorities and monitor progress of the school. The School Board was formed in 2016.

What the School Board does…

  • contributes to the School Delivery and Performance Agreement and the Business Plan;
  • endorses and reviews the annual budget; reviews the performance of the school;
  • assists with Principal selection when a vacancy arises; approves arrangements for sponsorship or advertising;
  • liaises with other committees within the school;
  • and holds one open meeting each year to report to the school community.

What the School Board does not…

  • run the day to day operations of the school;
  • discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents;
  • represent specific interest groups, or permit special interest to dominate meetings;
  • intervene in the educational instruction of students; nor
  • performance manage the principal or any other staff member.

It is not about running the school – that is the job of the Principal – but rather, providing additional expertise to help the school achieve the best outcomes for students. The role of the School Council (board) is outlined in the Education Act 1999.

The Rivergums Primary School Board consists of 10 members that each bring experience as parents, educators and/or community members.

The Rivergums PS Board welcomes your input into our school. If you wish to contact the Board Chair and School Principal please use the below form.

Contact Form


Rivergums PS School Board

Meet Our Board 1

Noel Behrman

Meet Our Board 2

Tracey Renton
School Principal

Meet Our Board 3

Donna Moore
Associate Principal

Meet Our Board 4

Maddison Parke
Staff Representative

Meet Our Board 1

Melissa Murray
Parent Representative